
A friend of mine asked me on a Facebook post, “Who is Mike ?”. Immediately, I thought he’s rich and he started late. I decided to convey that.

I originally saw something similar here.

I did not like it, so I gathered some data. I found campaign information from 2020 United States presidential election page on Wikipedia. I found a concise source of net worth for most candidates at Forbes.

I used R 3.5.3 and ggplot2.



From here, I modified the dataset.

  1. I eliminated Gravel, Hickenlooper, Messam, Ojeda, Patrick, and Salwell. I did not have Net Worth Data for them.

  2. I eliminated all Suspensions, and only looked at Announcements.

  3. I modified Delaney’s and Yang’s Announcement dates both to 2019-01-01…to make the graphs more visually appealing and less cramped on one end.

Net Worth