#1s, 2s, 3s - four of each card.
#ones, twos, threes - 14,13,13 times each one is spoken outloud. Slots.
coef = [1,4,6,4,1]
#Place (a) 1s in twos and (4-a) 1s in threes.
a_all = 0
for a in range(5):
#There are 13 twos to place the 1s in.
n2 = 13
#There are 13 threes to place the 1s in.
n3 = 13
#There are coef[a] ways to order four 1s such that (a) are in the twos and (4-a) are in the threes.
#a_ is the total number of ways for the product.
a_ = coef[a] * nCk(n2, a) * nCk(n3, 4-a)
#Twos remaining.
n2 = n2 - a
#Threes remaining.
n3 = n3 - (4-a)
#Place (b) 2s in ones and (4-b) 2s in threes.
b_all = 0
for b in range(5):
#There are 14 ones to place the 2s in.
n1 = 14
#There are coef[b] ways to order four 2s such that (b) are in the ones and (4-b) are in the threes.
#b_ is the total number of ways for the product.
b_ = coef[b] * nCk(n1, b) * nCk(n3, 4-b)
#Ones remaining.
n1 = n1 - b
#Place (c) 3s in ones and (4-c) 3s in twos.
c_all = 0
for c in range(5):
#There are coef[c] ways to order four 3s such that (c) are in the ones and (4-c) are in the twos.
#c_ is the total number of ways for the product.
c_ = coef[c] * nCk(n1, c) * nCk(n2, 4-c)
#All five (c) distributions for a particular (a) and (b).
c_all += c_
b_ = b_ * c_all
#All five (b) distributions for a particular (a).
b_all += b_
a_ = a_ * b_all
#All five (a) distributions yields the total.
a_all += a_