from math import factorial as F
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation as FA
from matplotlib.ticker import StrMethodFormatter as SMF
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
#Create a list of N! lists, each a different permutation of the N cars ordered by speed.
def orders(cars):
if len(cars) == 1:
return [cars]
else :
next_car = cars[0]
cars = cars[1:]
orders_so_far = []
for order in orders(cars) :
for insert in range(len(order)+1) :
orders_so_far.append(order[:insert] + [next_car] + order[insert:])
#Given an order of N cars as a list, it splits them up into Lane 1 and 2, and groups them by speed.
#Returns the number of groups.
def procession(order) :
df = pd.DataFrame({"Preferred_Speed": order,
"Actual_Speed": np.nan,
"Lane": np.nan})
#First car travels at its speed and stays in first lane.
df.iat[0, 1] = df.iat[0,0]
df.iat[0, 2] = 1
#The remaining N-1 cars...
for car in range(1, len(order)):
ps = df.iat[car, 0]
#Look at actual speed of last car in Lane 1.
lane_1_speed = (df[(df.Lane == 1)]["Actual_Speed"].tolist())[-1]
#If car preferred speed is less, stay in Lane 1.
if ps < lane_1_speed :
df.iat[car, 1] = df.iat[car, 0]
df.iat[car, 2] = 1
#Look at actual speed of last car in Lane 2.
lane_2_speeds = df[(df.Lane == 2)]["Actual_Speed"].tolist()
#It could be empty...
if lane_2_speeds == []:
lane_2_speed = ps
lane_2_speed = lane_2_speeds[-1]
#If Lane 2 < Lane 1, stay in Lane 1.
if lane_2_speed < lane_1_speed :
df.iat[car, 1] = lane_1_speed
df.iat[car, 2] = 1
#Else, move to Lane 2.
else :
df.iat[car, 2] = 2
#If preferred speed is greater than last car of Lane 2, slow down.
if ps > lane_2_speed :
df.iat[car, 1] = lane_2_speed
#Else, travel at preferred speed.
else :
df.iat[car, 1] = df.iat[car, 0]
unique_groups = len(set(df.Actual_Speed))
def gen_all_groups(N):
cars = list(range(1, N+1))
groups = []
for order in orders(cars):
proc = procession(order)
values = []
for i in range(2,11):
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
def processionDist() :
#Plot Setup.
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10, 7))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
#Footnote font size.
font = {'size' : 14}
def animate(i):
ax.set_title("Distribution of Car Groups", fontsize = 22)
ax.set_xlabel("Number of Groups", fontsize = 18)
ax.set_ylabel("Frequency", fontsize = 18)
ax.tick_params(axis = 'both', labelsize = 16)
bins = list(range(1, i+4))
hist = ax.hist(values[i],
bins = bins,
align = "left",
color = "#22A884")
ax.set_xticks(ticks = bins)
if i ==0 :
ax.set_yticks(ticks = [0,1,2])
avg_val = sum(values[i])/F(i+2)
ax.axvline(x = avg_val, color = "#481567")
#Update footnote text.
ax.annotate("Number of Cars: %.0f" % (i+2),
xy = (0.15, 0.12),
xytext = (0.15, 0.12),
xycoords = 'figure fraction',
textcoords = 'figure fraction',
fontsize = 16,
color = '#481567')
ax.annotate("Average Number",
xy = (0.70, 0.17),
xytext = (0.70, 0.17),
xycoords = 'figure fraction',
textcoords = 'figure fraction',
fontsize = 16,
color = '#481567')
ax.annotate("of Groups: %.4f" % avg_val,
xy = (0.70, 0.12),
xytext = (0.70, 0.12),
xycoords = 'figure fraction',
textcoords = 'figure fraction',
fontsize = 16,
color = '#481567')
return hist
#Run animation.
anim = FA(fig, init_func = None, func = animate, frames = 9, interval = 3000, blit = False)
#Save animation.'2022.08.26 Express.mp4');
for v in values:
4 17 84 485 3236 24609 210572 2004749 21033900