Can You Hop Across The Chessboard?

Riddler Express

From Tom Hanrahan comes a maze for grandmasters:

The following 8-by-8 grid is covered with a total of 64 chess pieces, with one piece on each square. You should begin this puzzle at the white bishop on the green square. You can then move from white piece to white piece via the following rules:

For example, suppose your first move from the bishop is diagonally down and to the right. Now you’re at a white rook, so your possible moves are left or up to a pawn or right to a knight.

Your objective is to reach one of the four black kings on the grid. However, at no point can you land on any of the other black pieces. (Knights are allowed to hop over the black pieces.)

What sequence of moves will allow you to reach a king?


Here is one such sequence of moves.

Rohan Lewis
