import math
from math import pi
from math import cos as cos
from math import sin as sin
from math import sqrt as mS
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.patches import Circle as mpC
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle as mpR
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
colors = ["#C7433FFF",
k = 1/2 - 1/mS(8)
#Clear axes.
def clearAx(ax):
#Smallest circle.
def drawBorder(xy, r) :
return(mpC(xy = xy,
radius = r,
edgecolor = 'k',
facecolor = 'w',
lw = 4,
zorder = 1))
#Semicircle of heart.
def drawSemi(xy) :
return(mpC(xy = xy,
radius = 0.5,
edgecolor = colors[0],
facecolor = colors[1],
lw = 4,
zorder = 2))
#Square body of heart.
def drawSquare(xy) :
return(mpR(xy = xy,
height = 1,
width = 1,
edgecolor = colors[0],
facecolor = colors[1],
angle = 45,
rotation_point = 'center',
lw = 4,
zorder = 3))
#Entire heart from bottom left corner of square and inversion boolean.
def drawHeart(ax, x, y, i) :
#Rightside up.
if i == False :
ax.add_patch(drawSquare((x, y)))
ax.add_patch(drawSemi((x+k, y+k+1/mS(2))))
ax.add_patch(drawSemi((x+k+1/mS(2), y+k+1/mS(2))))
#Upside Down.
else :
ax.add_patch(drawSquare((x, y)))
ax.add_patch(drawSemi((x+k, y+k)))
ax.add_patch(drawSemi((x+k+1/mS(2), y+k)))
def heartPic(o, lim) :
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(xlim = (-lim, lim),
ylim = (-lim, lim))
fig.subplots_adjust(left = 0.02, bottom = 0.02, right = 0.98, top = 0.98)
k = 1/2 - 1/mS(8)
#Remove axes and ticks.
ax = clearAx(ax)
if o == 'Fiddler' :
t = 1 / (3 - mS(2))
r = mS(2) * t
c1 = 1/mS(2)
c2 = c1/2
cy = r-c1
k = 2*r / mS(8*t**2-12*t+5)
ctx = k*c2
cty = k*(c2-cy)+cy
ax.add_patch(drawBorder((0, cy), r))
drawHeart(ax, -0.5, -0.5, False)
ax.plot([-ctx, 0, 0, -c1, 0, 0],
[cty, cy, -c1, 0, c1, cy],
color = 'k', lw = 3, ls = ':', zorder = 4)
ax.plot([-c2, 0],
[c2, -c1,],
color = 'k', lw = 3, ls = ':', zorder = 3)
points = [
(" C", (0, cy), 30, 'left', 'center'),
("T", (-ctx, cty), 30, 'right', 'bottom'),
("U ", (-c1, 0), 30, 'right', 'center'),
("V", (-c2, c2), 30, 'center', 'bottom'),
("W", (0, c1), 30, 'center', 'bottom'),
("X", (0, -c1), 30, 'center', 'top')
text = points + [
("1/2", ((-c2-ctx)/2, (c2+cty)/2), 16, 'left', 'bottom'),
("1/2", ((-c1-c2)/2, c2/2), 16, 'right', 'bottom'),
("1/2", (-c2/2, (c1+c2)/2), 16, 'center', 'bottom'),
("1 ", (-c1/2, -c1/2), 16, 'right', 'top'),
("√5/2", (-c2/2, (-c1+c2)/2), 16, 'right', 'top'),
(" r-1/2", (-c2/2, (cy+c2+0.06)/2), 16, 'center', 'bottom'),
(" r", (0, (cy-c1)/2), 16, 'left', 'center'),
(" √2-r", (0, (cy+c1)/2), 16, 'left', 'center'),
elif o == 'EC1' :
q = (26-7*mS(2))/2 * mS(1 / (102-28*mS(2)))
r = q + 1/2
ax.add_patch(drawBorder((0, 0), r))
x1 = -1/2
y1 = -r+1/mS(2)-1/2
drawHeart(ax, x1, y1, False)
x2 = -1/2
y2 = y1+mS(2)
drawHeart(ax, x2, y2, False)
x3 = x2+k
y3 = y2+k+1/mS(2)
x4 = (x2+k)*(q+1/2) / q
y4 = (y2+k+1/mS(2))*(q+1/2) / q
ax.plot([x4, 0, -x3, x3, 0, 0],
[y4, 0, y3, y3, y3+1/mS(8), -r],
color = 'k', lw = 3, ls = ':', zorder = 4)
points = [
(" C", (0, 0), 30, 'left', 'bottom'),
("T ", (x4, y4), 30, 'right', 'center'),
("U ", (x3, y3), 30, 'right', 'center'),
(" V", (0, y3+1/mS(8)), 30, 'left', 'center'),
(" W", (0, y3), 30, 'left', 'center'),
(" X", (0, -r+mS(2)), 30, 'left', 'center'),
(" Y", (0, -r), 30, 'left', 'center'),
(" Z", (-x3, y3), 30, 'left', 'center')
text = points
elif o == 'EC2' :
r = mS(22+6*mS(7)) / 4
ax.add_patch(drawBorder((0, 0), r))
x1 = 1/mS(32)
y1 = (6+mS(7)) / mS(32)
x2 = x1 - 1/2
y2 = -mS(7)*x1 - 1/mS(8) - 1/2
drawHeart(ax, x2, y2, False)
x3 = -x1 - 1/2
y3 = mS(7)*x1 + 1/mS(8) - 1/2
drawHeart(ax, x3, y3, True)
y4 = mS(7)*x1
ax.plot([-x1, 0, -x1, -x1, x1, x1],
[y1, 0, 0, -y4, y4, -y1],
color = 'k', lw = 3, ls = ':', zorder = 4)
ax.plot([0, x1],
[0, 0],
color = 'k', lw = 3, ls = ':', zorder = 4)
ax.plot([x1, -x1, x1],
[-y1+mS(2), -y4, -y4],
color = 'k', lw = 3, ls = ':', zorder = 4)
points = [
("C", (0, 0), 30, 'left', 'top'),
("S ", (-x1, y1), 30, 'right', 'center'),
("T", (-x1, 0), 30, 'right', 'bottom'),
("U ", (-x1, -y4), 30, 'right', 'center'),
(" V", (x1, y4), 30, 'left', 'center'),
(" W", (x1, 0), 30, 'left', 'center'),
(" X", (x1, -y1+mS(2)), 30, 'left', 'center'),
(" Y", (x1, -y4), 30, 'left', 'center'),
(" Z", (x1, -y1), 30, 'left', 'center')
text = points
elif o == 'EC3' :
r = 1.5
ax.add_patch(drawBorder((0, 0), r))
x1 = -k
y1 = x1
drawHeart(ax, x1, y1, False)
x2 = x1-1/mS(2)
y2 = x2
drawHeart(ax, x2, y2, True)
j = 3/mS(8)
ax.plot([-j, j],
[-j, j],
color = 'k', lw = 3, ls = ':', zorder = 4)
points = [
(" C", (0, 0.05), 30, 'left', 'bottom'),
text = points
for p in points :
ax.scatter(p[1][0], p[1][1], color = 'k', s = 40, zorder = 4)
for t in text :
plt.annotate(text = t[0],
xy = t[1],
c = 'k',
size = t[2],
ha = t[3],
va = t[4],
zorder = 4)
fig.savefig("2025.02.14" + o + ".png", bbox_inches = "tight")
heartPic("Fiddler", 1.11)
heartPic("EC1", 1.6)
heartPic("EC2", 1.6)
heartPic("EC3", 1.6)