#Let n be the number of sprinters.
#pairsT(n) gives the total number of pairs.
def pairsT(n) :
p = n * (n-1) / 2
def pairsU(n) :
p = n * math.log2(n)
#pairsM(n) gives the maximum number of pairs needed to determine the order.
def pairsM(n) :
p = 0
for i in range(1, n+1) :
p += math.ceil(math.log2(i))
x = list(range(1, 100))
T = [pairsT(t) for t in x]
U = [pairsU(u) for u in x]
M = [pairsM(m) for m in x]
def limitPlot(xmax, ymax, lw, o):
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, xlim = (1, xmax), ylim = (1, ymax))
#3 Scatter Plots.
ax.scatter(x = x,
y = T,
c = "#73D055",
lw = lw,
label = "Total Sprinter Pairs")
ax.scatter(x = x,
y = U,
c = "#238A8D",
lw = lw,
label = "Upper Limit of Pairs to Order")
ax.scatter(x = x,
y = M,
c = "#440154",
lw = lw,
label = "Max Pairs to Order")
#Titles, Axes, & Legend
ax.set_title("Ordering the Sprinters", fontsize = 24)
ax.set_xlabel("Sprinters", fontsize = 20)
ax.set_ylabel("Pairs", fontsize = 20);
ax.legend(fontsize = '16', loc = 'upper left')
fig.savefig('2024.05.03 Fiddler' + str(o) + '.png');