import math
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation as FA
from matplotlib.patches import Circle as mpC
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#Path Colors.
pc = ['#7AD151FF', '#2A788EFF', '#440154FF']
#Clear axes.
def clearAx(ax) :
#Your data.
#Your path, (x, y).
#Your tank, in gallons.
#i = 0 - 800
def getXYG(i) :
#800 frames.
#Use North as 0 degrees, going counterclockwise.
r = 2 * math.pi * i / 800 + math.pi/2
if i <= 100 :
g = 20 - i/20
elif i <= 200 :
g = 25 - i/20
elif i <= 600 :
g = 30 - i/20
elif i <= 700 :
g = 35 - i/20
else :
g = 40 - i/20
return([1.03 * math.cos(r), 1.03 * math.sin(r), g])
#Helper 1's data.
#Helper 1's path, (x, y).
#Helper 1's tank, in gallons.
#i = 0 - 800
def get_H1_XYG(i):
if i <= 200 :
xyg = getXYG(i)
#Goes back to Gas Station.
elif i <= 400 :
xyg = [getXYG(400-i)[0], getXYG(400-i)[1], 20 - i/20]
#Goes back to you around other side.
elif i <= 600 :
xyg = [getXYG(1200-i)[0], getXYG(1200-i)[1], 40 - i/20]
else :
xyg = getXYG(i)
return((np.array([xyg]) / np.array([1.03, 1.03, 1]))[0])
#Helper 2's data.
#Helper 2's path, (x, y).
#Helper 2's tank, in gallons.
#i = 0 - 800
def get_H2_XYG(i):
if i <= 100 :
xyg = getXYG(i)
elif i <= 200 :
#Goes back to Gas Station.
xyg = [getXYG(200-i)[0], getXYG(200-i)[1], 10 - i/20]
elif i <= 600 :
xyg = [0, 1.03, 20]
elif i <= 700 :
xyg = [getXYG(1400-i)[0], getXYG(1400-i)[1], 50 - i/20]
else :
xyg = getXYG(i)
return((np.array([xyg]) / np.array([1.03/0.97, 1.03/0.97, 1]))[0])
#Total gas consumed.
def totGas(i):
#A frame is 1/20 of a gallon.
#All three are moving.
if i <= 200 :
g = 3 * i/20
#Helper 2 is stationary.
elif i <= 600 :
g = 10 + 2 * i/20
#All three are moving.
else :
g = 3 * i/20 - 20
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (9, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(xlim = (-1.1, 2.2),
ylim = (-1.1, 1.1))
#Remove axes and ticks.
ax = clearAx(ax)
font = {'size' : 14, 'weight' : 'bold'}
#Twelve artists:
#Road, Gas Station.
#Your car, H1's car, H2's car.
#Your gas, H1's gas, H2's gas.
#Total gas burned.
road = mpC(xy = [0, 0],
radius = 1,
edgecolor = '#999999FF',
linewidth = 7,
facecolor = 'white',
zorder = 1)
gs = mpC(xy = [0, 1],
radius = 0.05,
edgecolor = '#333333FF',
linewidth = 3,
facecolor = '#333333FF',
zorder = 1)
c1 = mpC(xy = [0, 1.03],
radius = 0.025,
edgecolor = pc[0],
linewidth = 3,
facecolor = pc[0],
zorder = 2,
label = 'Helper1')
c2 = mpC(xy = [0, 1],
radius = 0.025,
edgecolor = pc[1],
linewidth = 3,
facecolor = pc[1],
zorder = 2,
label = 'You')
c3 = mpC(xy = [0, 0.97],
radius = 0.025,
edgecolor = pc[2],
linewidth = 3,
facecolor = pc[2],
zorder = 2,
label = 'Helper 2')
g1_text = plt.text(1, -0.45, '', c = pc[0], ha = 'left', va = 'center', **font)
g2_text = plt.text(1, -0.6, '', c = pc[1], ha = 'left', va = 'center', **font)
g3_text = plt.text(1, -0.75, '', c = pc[2], ha = 'left', va = 'center', **font)
gAll_text = plt.text(1, -0.9, '', c = '#999999FF', ha = 'left', va = 'center', **font)
gs_text = plt.text(0, 1.1, '', c = '#333333FF', ha = 'center', va = 'center', **font)
def init():
gs_text.set_text('Gas Station')
return road, gs, c1, c2, c3, g1_text, g2_text, g3_text, gAll_text, gs_text
def animate(i):
new_you = getXYG(i)
new_h1 = get_H1_XYG(i)
new_h2 = get_H2_XYG(i)
c1.set_center([new_you[0], new_you[1]])
c2.set_center([new_h1[0], new_h1[1]])
c3.set_center([new_h2[0], new_h2[1]])
g1_text.set_text('Your Tank: %.2f gallons' % new_you[2])
g2_text.set_text('H1 Tank: %.2f gallons' % new_h1[2])
g3_text.set_text('H2 Tank: %.2f gallons' % new_h2[2])
gAll_text.set_text('Total Consumed: %.2f gallons' % totGas(i))
return c1, c2, c3, g1_text, g2_text, g3_text, gAll_text
#Run animation.
anim = FA(fig, animate, init_func = init, frames = 801, interval = 30, blit = True)
#Save animation.'2024.03.08 EC.mp4');