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Assignment 2 - Introduction to NLTK

In part 1 of this assignment you will use nltk to explore the Herman Melville novel Moby Dick. Then in part 2 you will create a spelling recommender function that uses nltk to find words similar to the misspelling.

Part 1 - Analyzing Moby Dick

In [1]:
import nltk
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk.util import ngrams'punkt')'wordnet')'averaged_perceptron_tagger')
import numpy as np
import operator
import pandas as pd

# If you would like to work with the raw text you can use 'moby_raw'
with open('moby.txt', 'r') as f:
    moby_raw =
# If you would like to work with the novel in nltk.Text format you can use 'text1'
moby_tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(moby_raw)
text1 = nltk.Text(moby_tokens)
[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to
[nltk_data]     C:\Users\Rohan\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Unzipping tokenizers\
[nltk_data] Downloading package wordnet to
[nltk_data]     C:\Users\Rohan\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Unzipping corpora\
[nltk_data] Downloading package averaged_perceptron_tagger to
[nltk_data]     C:\Users\Rohan\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Unzipping taggers\

Example 1

How many tokens (words and punctuation symbols) are in text1?

This function should return an integer.

In [2]:
def example_one():
    return len(nltk.word_tokenize(moby_raw)) # or alternatively len(text1)


Example 2

How many unique tokens (unique words and punctuation) does text1 have?

This function should return an integer.

In [3]:
def example_two():
    return len(set(nltk.word_tokenize(moby_raw))) # or alternatively len(set(text1))


Example 3

After lemmatizing the verbs, how many unique tokens does text1 have?

This function should return an integer.

In [4]:
def example_three():

    lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
    lemmatized = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(w,'v') for w in text1]

    return len(set(lemmatized))


Question 1

What is the lexical diversity of the given text input? (i.e. ratio of unique tokens to the total number of tokens)

This function should return a float.

In [5]:
def answer_one():
    return (example_two() / example_one())


Question 2

What percentage of tokens is 'whale'or 'Whale'?

This function should return a float.

In [6]:
def answer_two():
    dist = nltk.FreqDist(text1)
    return (dist['whale'] + dist['Whale']) * 100 / example_one()


Question 3

What are the 20 most frequently occurring (unique) tokens in the text? What is their frequency?

This function should return a list of 20 tuples where each tuple is of the form (token, frequency). The list should be sorted in descending order of frequency.

In [7]:
def answer_three():
    dist = nltk.FreqDist(text1)
    dist_2 = sorted(dist.items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True)
    return dist_2[:20]

[(',', 19204),
 ('the', 13715),
 ('.', 7306),
 ('of', 6513),
 ('and', 6010),
 ('a', 4545),
 ('to', 4515),
 (';', 4173),
 ('in', 3908),
 ('that', 2978),
 ('his', 2459),
 ('it', 2196),
 ('I', 2113),
 ('!', 1767),
 ('is', 1722),
 ('--', 1713),
 ('with', 1659),
 ('he', 1658),
 ('was', 1639),
 ('as', 1620)]

Question 4

What tokens have a length of greater than 5 and frequency of more than 150?

This function should return an alphabetically sorted list of the tokens that match the above constraints. To sort your list, use sorted()

In [8]:
def answer_four():
    dist = nltk.FreqDist(text1)
    vocab = dist.keys()
    freqwords = sorted([w for w in vocab if len(w) > 5 and dist[w] > 150])
    return freqwords


Question 5

Find the longest word in text1 and that word's length.

This function should return a tuple (longest_word, length).

In [9]:
def answer_five():
    dist = nltk.FreqDist(text1)
    vocab = list(dist.keys())
    length = float("-inf")
    word = None
    for w in vocab :
        if len(w) > length :
            length = len(w)
            word = w
    return (word, length)

("twelve-o'clock-at-night", 23)

Question 6

What unique words have a frequency of more than 2000? What is their frequency?

"Hint: you may want to use isalpha() to check if the token is a word and not punctuation."

This function should return a list of tuples of the form (frequency, word) sorted in descending order of frequency.

In [10]:
def answer_six():
    words_2000 = []
    for pair in answer_three() :
        if pair[0].isalpha() :
            if pair[1] > 2000 :
                words_2000.append((pair[1], pair[0]))
    return words_2000

[(13715, 'the'),
 (6513, 'of'),
 (6010, 'and'),
 (4545, 'a'),
 (4515, 'to'),
 (3908, 'in'),
 (2978, 'that'),
 (2459, 'his'),
 (2196, 'it'),
 (2113, 'I')]

Question 7

What is the average number of tokens per sentence?

This function should return a float.

In [11]:
def answer_seven():
    sentences = nltk.sent_tokenize(moby_raw)
    return (example_one() / len(sentences))


Question 8

What are the 5 most frequent parts of speech in this text? What is their frequency?

This function should return a list of tuples of the form (part_of_speech, frequency) sorted in descending order of frequency.

In [12]:
def answer_eight():    
    POS = nltk.pos_tag(text1)
    PosFreq = {}
    for pair in POS :
        if pair[1] in PosFreq :
            PosFreq[pair[1]] += 1
        else :
            PosFreq[pair[1]] = 1
    PosFreq = sorted(PosFreq.items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True)
    return PosFreq[:5]

[('NN', 32729), ('IN', 28663), ('DT', 25879), (',', 19204), ('JJ', 17613)]

Part 2 - Spelling Recommender

For this part of the assignment you will create three different spelling recommenders, that each take a list of misspelled words and recommends a correctly spelled word for every word in the list.

For every misspelled word, the recommender should find find the word in correct_spellings that has the shortest distance*, and starts with the same letter as the misspelled word, and return that word as a recommendation.

*Each of the three different recommenders will use a different distance measure (outlined below).

Each of the recommenders should provide recommendations for the three default words provided: ['cormulent', 'incendenece', 'validrate'].

In [13]:
from nltk.corpus import words'words')

correct_spellings = words.words()
[nltk_data] Downloading package words to
[nltk_data]     C:\Users\Rohan\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Unzipping corpora\

Question 9

For this recommender, your function should provide recommendations for the three default words provided above using the following distance metric:

Jaccard distance on the trigrams of the two words.

This function should return a list of length three: ['cormulent_reccomendation', 'incendenece_reccomendation', 'validrate_reccomendation'].

In [14]:
def answer_nine(entries=['cormulent', 'incendenece', 'validrate']):
    answers = []
    for entry in entries :
        entry_trigrams = set(nltk.ngrams(entry, n = 3))
        dist = float("-inf")
        for w in correct_spellings :
            if entry[0] == w[0] :
                word_trigrams = set(nltk.ngrams(w, n = 3))
                jd = 1 - nltk.jaccard_distance(entry_trigrams, word_trigrams)
                if jd > dist :
                    dist = jd
                    answer = w
    return answers
['corpulent', 'indecence', 'validate']

Question 10

For this recommender, your function should provide recommendations for the three default words provided above using the following distance metric:

Jaccard distance on the 4-grams of the two words.

This function should return a list of length three: ['cormulent_reccomendation', 'incendenece_reccomendation', 'validrate_reccomendation'].

In [15]:
def answer_ten(entries=['cormulent', 'incendenece', 'validrate']):
    answers = []
    for entry in entries :
        entry_trigrams = set(nltk.ngrams(entry, n = 4))
        dist = float("-inf")
        for w in correct_spellings :
            if entry[0] == w[0] :
                word_trigrams = set(nltk.ngrams(w, n = 4))
                jd = 1 - nltk.jaccard_distance(entry_trigrams, word_trigrams)
                if jd > dist :
                    dist = jd
                    answer = w
    return answers
['cormus', 'incendiary', 'valid']

Question 11

For this recommender, your function should provide recommendations for the three default words provided above using the following distance metric:

Edit distance on the two words with transpositions.

This function should return a list of length three: ['cormulent_reccomendation', 'incendenece_reccomendation', 'validrate_reccomendation'].

In [16]:
from nltk.metrics import edit_distance

def answer_eleven(entries=['cormulent', 'incendenece', 'validrate']):
    answers = []
    for entry in entries :
        dist = float("inf")
        for w in correct_spellings :
            if entry[0] == w[0] :
                edit = edit_distance(entry, w, transpositions = True)
                if edit < dist :
                    dist = edit
                    answer = w
    return answers
['corpulent', 'intendence', 'validate']